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through this he proved that

1 most of the space inside an atom was empty

2 very few alpha radiations got deflected thus the positive sphere was very small

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Q: What is the importance of Rutherford's Alpha Particle Experiment?
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Rutherfords alpha scattering experiment showed that the charge on the nucleus of the atom must be?


What was ernest rutherfords's experiment?

he shot tiny alpha particles throug a piece of gold foil.

What was rutherfords experiment?

he shot tiny alpha particles throug a piece of gold foil. -Apex

What caused the deflection of the alpha particles in Rutherfords gold foil experiment?

A zinc sulfide coated screen surrounding the gold foil produced a flash of light whenever it was struck by an alpha particle. By noting where the flash occurred, the scientists could determine if the atoms in the gold foil deflected the alpha particles.

What feature of rutherfords gold foil experiment was most surprising to those who carried out the experiment?

Some alpha particles deflected, some went straight through and come were deflected.

What is a radioactive particle that is made up of two neutrons and two protons?

Used by Rutherford in his experiment made of two protons and two neutrons are alpha particles. Rutherford discovered the nucleus using his gold foil experiment.

In Rutherfords gold foil experiment particles in dense atomic nuclei caused some alpha particles to bounce straight back from the gold foil.?


Who said atoms were made up of subatomic particles?

Rutherford proved it it from his alpha-particle scattering experiment.

How do we know atoms are made up of small dense positive nucleus?

The first ever experiment this fact was the alpha particle experiment which was conducted by Rutherford. In this experiment, alpha particles are positive charged substances and they were repulsed with the nuclei in the golden foil.

How did Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment show that Thomson's plum pudding model of the atom incorrect?

Rutherfords experiment proved the existence of a nucleus as some alpha particles "bounced back" from the gold foil sample . Thomson model did not involve a nucleus and predicted just a slight deflection or none at all.

How manyneutrons are in an alpha particle?

There are 2 neutron in an alpha particle.

What did the alpha scattering experiment reveal?

The alpha radiation in the experiment was detected by using a microscope and a fluorescent screen. When an alpha particle strikes the screen, the coating will fluoresce, and it will give off a "flash" of light. This small flash of light can be picked up by the investigator using the microscope.