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It allows candidates to make themselves known to the public

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14y ago

Money pays for advertisements, moving the candidate to speeches and rallies, etc.

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12y ago

Money pays for advertising and large organizations to help influence in a candidates favor. It also pays for the general expenses of travel and accomidations.

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Q: Money is an indispensable campaign resource because?
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Why money is an indispensable campaign resource?

Because of the matter that extinguish the fire of the burning flame in society today. Thus proving my point that my genitalia is in the woman who birthed you. I am talking about your philopian tubes. Yes I do reach all the way up there.

Is money an economic resource?

No, because money produces nothing.

Why is money not considered to be a capital resource in economics?

Because money does not produce anything. Something is a capital resource because it produces ... it makes consumables or produces services.

Is money a resource?

A resource is an economic or productive factor required to get things done. Money is certainly a resource, however, it is not a natural resource like water or lumber or minerals; it is an artificial social construct, however, it certainly is useful. because MONEY MAKES THE MARE GO. & A LIGHT PURSE IS A HEAVY CURSE.

Why isn't money considered a capital resource?

Money IS a capital resource.

Do you have to be rich to be in Congress?

If you are popular, you don't have to be rich, because people will donate money to your campaign. Even rich candidates usually spend other people's money on their political campaigns, although it helps to have money of your own to add to the campaign finances.

How can you loan your campaign money?

Loaning campaign money is illegal, and violates federal campaign funding laws. Authorities come down hard on people who lend campaign money to themselves and others, as a way of accessing the funds for non-campaign related purposes.

Why is money considered a capital resource?

BY definition, capital resource means physical money.

Did Donald Trump use his campaign money for personal business?

Well, he certainly funneled campaign money to his businesses.

Is money a nonrenewable resource?

the presses are there to print money when they are supposed to so I think it is clear that is a renewable resource.

Why is campaign finance reform so difficult?

because incumbent officials recieve more money than their opponents therefore why would these incumbents vote for reform? this would mean they get less money to campaign with "turkeys voting for an early christmas"

What role does money play in as a natural resource in the US?

All money is a representation of gold, a naturally occurring resource.