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The Dome of the Rock is a shrine to the place where Mohammed ascended to heaven and consulted with the previous Prophets of Islam.

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Q: What is the Dome of Rock important?
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To what religion was the dome of the rock an important shrine?


What are some important areas for the Islams?

there is the dome of the rock. That is a very important place to the Muslims

What do they do at the dome of rock?

They don't pray or something, this is just part of El-Aqza mosque that very important to the Muslims, actually the dome of the rock became a symbole for the palestinian and there are alot of houses that use picture of the dome of the rock in front of their houses.

Whos is the dome of the rock important to?

none but why are u answering thhat question.....

What kind of rock is the dome of the rock?

The Dome of the Rock is not really a rock, but a shrine in Jerusalem, Israel.

Why was the dome of the dome of the rock built?

Mainly because that's where the 'rock' is.

What was the dome of rock used for?

Basiclly, the dome of the rock was used for praying

Is Hebrew or Arabic written within the Dome of the Rock?

There is no Hebrew written within the Dome of the Rock.

Where is the shrine of the dome of the rock located?

The Dome of the Rock is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The Shrine of the Dome of the Rock is located in .?

The Dome of the Rock is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Where is the shrine of the dome of the rock located in?

The Dome of the Rock is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

What happens at the dome of the rock?

The Dome of the Rock is located in the center of Jerusalem. It is an octagon structure with a big dome.