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Carbon Cycle=Helps determine the earths temperature, and also it is significant in photosynthesis, which is obviously key to plant life

Nitrogen cycle=A significant factor in the fertility of soil

Phosphorus cycle=no clue I'm afraid

Hope this helps

The Intelligent Fool

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Q: What is the importance of the carbon cycle the nitrogen cycle and the phosphorus cycle to living things?
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Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur The living organism mainly consists of Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen after that nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur comes they all consider as major elements The order is oxygen 65.0%, carbon 18.5%, hydrogen 9.5%, and nitrogen 3.3% making a total of 96.3%.

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the answer is carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen, and oxygen. There are really 6: CHNOPS Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. These are listed in the highest to lowest amounts and they are found in all living things.

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