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The IOR of 1.33 is the common value for water at 0°C, and to me is not the common accepted value for glass. That being said, there are many different types of glass, and they all vary in IOR. However a common standard value for glass is 1.5

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Q: What is the index of refraction for glass?
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What has the highest index of refraction a vacuum a diamond air or crown glass?

A diamond has the highest index of refraction, about 2.4 Crown glass is about 1.5 and a vacuum is 1

To make the smaller glass disappear that is make it appear to be invisible How would the index of refraction of the liquid inside have to compare to the index of refraction of the glass?

You want the ior of the glass to be identical to the liquied.

How is the refractive index of glass is to water is related with that of air is to water?

Each substance has an index of refraction. The index of refraction of water is about 1.3330 . The index of refraction of air at standard conditions is about 1.0003 . There is no such thing as the index of refraction of "water to air".

What is the index of refraction for glass Express your answer as a decimal?

Depending on the glass, it ranges from 1.45 to 1.93

The speed of light in a particular type of glass is 1.60 X 108 What is the index of refraction of the glass?

The index of refraction, or optical density, is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in a given material. Therefore, the index of refraction for this glass is equal to c / v = (3.0 x 10^8 m/s) / (1.6 x 10^8 m/s) = 3.0/1.6 = 1.88

How does a glass is made invisible?

submerge it in a liquid that has the same index of refraction eg. water.

In fiber optic cables what reflects the light back into the core?

This is done by total internal reflection. It is the result of the fact that the inner glass and the outer glass have different indices of refraction (the outside glass has a lower index of refraction).

What has the index of refraction of 1.376?

Fill a glass with water. Put a straight rod or pencil into the water at an angle. You see an apparent bend in the straight rad. This is caused by the different indexes of refraction of air and water.

If Light goes from flint glass into ethanol The angle of refraction in the ethanol is 27.6 What is the angle of incidence in the glass?

If light goes from flint glass into ethanol and the angle of refraction in the ethanol is 27.6, the angle of incidence in the glass is approximately 23.21. This calculation is based on refractive index of pure flint glass being 1.60 and refractive index of ethanol being 1.361.

What is the minimum index of refraction for a glass or plastic prism to be used in binoculars so that total internal reflection occurs at 45 degrees?

The minimum index of refraction for a glass or plastic prism to be used in binoculars so that total internal reflection occurs at 45 degrees is 1.414

A laser beam is incident on wet piece of filter paper atop a sheet of glass whos index of refraction is to be measured what is the index of refraction of the glass?

n = [(R/2)2 + t2]1/2/R/2t is the thickness of the glass plate, R is the inner radius of the outer bright ring you see

If a glass prism were in a medium with the same index of refraction would it separate wight light into different color?

No, it would not.