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The Whooping Crane--its call can be heard from about 5 km away.

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The Californian Condor

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The Common Raven (Corvus Corax).

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Q: What is largest bird of prey in North America?
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What animal is a large bird of prey from North and South America?

Great Horned Owl

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What is the world's largest meat eating flying bird?

The largest diurnal bird of prey is the Andean condor, which weighs up to 14 kg (31 lb.) and has a wing span of up to 3.2 m (10.5 ft.). The largest North American bird of prey is the California condor with a wingspan of up to 2.9 m (9.5 ft.) (Martin, 1987).

What bird has become the bird symble of war and why?

The eagle is amongst the largest birds of prey.

What bird is the bird of war and why?

Normally it's the eagle. It is amongst the largest birds of prey.

What is the Home of the largest concentration of nesting birds of prey in North America?

The Largest concentration would probably be the Bald Eagle in various cities in the state of Alaska.

What are the most common Birds in north America?

The most common bird in North America is the albatross.Common Birds of Prey in North America are listed below: Falcons: American kestrelHawks: Red-tailed hawkEagles:Bald EagleVultures:Black vultureCondors:California condor(I know it's rare, but is's the only condor in North America)

What kind of bird appears on public curbside mailboxes?

The bird that appears on public curbside mailboxes are called the bald eagle. These birds are birds of prey commonly found in North America.

Are the condors the largest flying bird?

Yes, the condor is a bird of prey. Unlike most birds of prey, the female is usually slightly smaller than the male.

What is the UK's biggest bird of prey?

The biggest bird of prey in the UK is the white-tailed sea eagle which was made extinct in Scotland in 1918 but reintroduced in 2007. In England, the largest is the Golden Eagle, which is very rare. Most British Golden Eagles are found in Scotland but there are a few in the North East of England. The largest relatively common bird of prey in England is the Red Kite, now spreading across several areas of England (and also found in Wales). Although it is a bird of prey it lives mostly on carrion (dead animals).

What bird is the largest bird of prey?

FALSE STATEMENT. "The larges bird of prey in the world is not an 'eagle' but a Condor. Californian Condors are the longest (from beak to tail tip) but the Andean Condor has the largest wingspan. They are a type of new world Vulture. The largest eagles are most likely Harpy Eagles." FALSE STATEMENT. THE QUESTION WAS IN REFERENCE TO THE LARGEST BIRD OF PREY. Condors are true SCAVENGERS, NOT birds of prey. They feed on carrion and are therefore not true birds of prey. Meaning they don't kill their own food. The largest birds of prey are eagles in all aspects. They are true predators, although they will readily feast on a fresh carcass. Largest in what aspect? The Stellar's Eagle is the heaviest, the Phillipine eagle is the largest in terms of physical dimension, and Harpy's are the bulkiest.

Tourists will visit Peru's Colca Canyon to see what bird the world's largest bird of prey?

Andean condor