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Q: What is the largest organelle in cytoplasm of an animal cell?
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What is the largest cell organelle in animal cell?

The nucleus is the largest organelle in animal cells.

What structure of an animal cell has the largest volume?

In most cases the nucleus is the organelle that takes up the most volume in an animal cell. In the nuclei is where DNA of an animal can be found. This makes the nucleus the most important organelle as well.

What in the largest organelle in cells?

The largest organelle in a plant cell is called the Central Vacuole. Although this is also found in an animal cell, the organelle is much larger in a plant cell.

What is the largest organelle in an eukaroyte cell?

animal cell - nucleus plant cell - vacuole

What is the second largest organelle of an animal cell?

endoplasmic reticulum

Are cell membrane and cytoplasm are organelles of human cells?

The cell membrane is an organelle, but cytoplasm is not an organelle, it is just a substance.

Is a cytoplasm organelle a animal or plant cell?

Cytoplasm is neither, it is a jelly like substance that fills all cells and surrounds the organelles.

What organelles do both plant and animal cells have?

Answerribosomes, cell membrane, mitochondria, cytoplasm Backup Answer if you don't believe meBoth plant cells and animal cells contain ribosomes, cell membranes, mitochondria, and cytoplasm. Cell walls and chloroplasts are found in plant cells only.----------------------------------------------------------------

What organelle includes everything inside the animal cell besides the nucleus?

The cytoplasm has all the organelles in the cell membrane except for the nucleus.

What is gel-like fluid where the organelles are found?

It is not an organelle but the cytoplasm which other cell parts are found. It is sort of like Jello-with bits of fruit in it.

Why cytoplasm is not considered to be a cell organelle?

Cell organelles are technically defined as "membrane bound organelles". Nucleus, Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, chloroplast, ER, vesicles are containing membranes that make them an organelle with a definite function. In contrast, cytoplasm, is a fluid surface of the cell in which all these organelles, ions,enzymes,ribosomes, proteins are dispersed.It is the same for any cell such as plant cell or animal cell or unicellular organisms.

Usually the largest organelle in a cell is the?

Nucleus but it depends on the cell. Animal: nucleus Plant: vacuoles