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TOXICITY: Symptoms of methamphetamine overdose include restlessness, confusion, anxiety, hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, hyperthermia, circulatory collapse, convulsions, and coma. Chronic abusers may develop paranoid psychosis. The estimated lethal dose is 100 mg in children and 1 g in adults.

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Q: What is the lethal dose limit or LDL of Methamphetamine?
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The exact amount in humans is uncertain as such an experiment would be unethical. In rats the LD50 is 2000 mg/kg (LD50 is the dose that kills 50% of those getting it). A dose much less than this will cause some damage in almost all. The Lowest Published Lethal Dose (LDL) [Human Infant] - Route: Oral; Dose: 442 ku/kg/11D.

What does it mean if you have high LDL-P?

LDL-P stands for 'LDL-Particles' (as opposed to LDL-C which is LDL-Cholesterol). It's measured with a blood test commonly called "the particle test", and your LDL-P tells you the number of LDL particles in your blood. Usually LDL-P is measured along with LDL-C to obtain a more complete, detailed measure of cardiovascular risk - some doctors believe that particle levels as well as total cholesterol matter. Treatment strategies differ depending on the relationship between LDL-P and LDL-C, so there's not a 'cut and dried' target number for LDL-P (as there is for LDL-C).

what the normol of hdl and ldl?

what the normol hsl and ldl?

What is ldl?

LDL is the bad cholesterol. LDL stands for low density lipoprotein cholesterol. LDL is produced in the liver and carries antioxidants and amino acids to other cells.

Is an LDL cholesterol reading of 148 anything to worry about?

ldl normal value 100 to 120 then it is high levle ldl

Is ldl cholesterol in chicken?

Ldl is cholesterol, and can be found in chicken skin.

Which vitamin is used in tissue respiration and metabolism and when taken orally casn reduce LDL?

You are probably thinking of niacin, however for it to reduce LDL you need to take doses in the 2000 mg/day to 4000 mg/day range, this requires doctor supervision as any dose over 500 mg/day can be harmful.

What does the medical abbreviation LDL mean?

LDL means low density lipoprotein.

How is 125 ldl?

125 LDL is basically means you have an elevated amount of cholesterol in your body.

What is LDL pattern b type?

Small, dense LDL particles. Type A LDL particles are larger, don't embed in the lining of the arteries. Type B will embed.

What is different between hdl and ldl cholesterol?

HDL= Good Cholesterol, LDL = Bad Cholesterol