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seed then young plant then adult plant then flower then fruit than seed

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57m ago

The life cycle of a hibiscus plant typically involves germination of seeds, growth into seedlings, development of roots and leaves, flowering, pollination, seed formation, and eventually senescence or dormancy. With proper care and conditions, hibiscus plants can live for many years and continue to produce flowers seasonally.

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How does the life cycle of a star compare to the life cycle of a human?

The life cycle of a star is similar to the life cycle of a human because both humans and stars are born and die.

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It is important beacuse we have food for it to grow and the good nature.

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A television's life cycle typically begins with the extraction of raw materials, followed by production, distribution, use by consumers, and finally disposal. At the end of its life, a television can be recycled to recover valuable materials or disposed of in a landfill, posing environmental challenges due to its electronic components. Efforts to promote sustainable practices such as extended producer responsibility and proper e-waste management aim to minimize the environmental impact of televisions throughout their life cycle.

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The life cycle of a prawn consists of three main stages: larval, post-larval, and adult. Prawn larvae hatch from eggs and go through several molting stages before developing into post-larval stage. Post-larvae then grow into adult prawns, which reproduce and continue the life cycle.

What does an anthropod mean?

It is animal with a segmented body, exoskeleton and jointed appendages, belonging to the phylum Arthropoda. Examples are insects, spiders, scorpions, millipedes, crayfish, crabs, trilobites, and many other groups are all arthropods. A terrestrial arthropod also breathes air at some stage in its life cycle.