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Q: What is the literary term for the ending of a story when all the conflict is resolved?
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What is the main problem in a literary work?

The main problem in a literary work is known as the conflict. The classic story arch depends on the conflict, which characters work to solve until it comes to a head in the climax and is usually resolved at the end of the story.

How is the conflict resolved in the most dangerous game story?

Rainsford kills General Zaroff, therefore ending the hunt.

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where the conflict resolved

When the main conflict is resolved is it name exposition?

No, the resolution of the main conflict in a story is not called exposition. Exposition is the beginning of a story where background information is provided to set the stage for the plot. The resolution is the part of the story where the conflict is resolved and the outcome becomes clear.

How is the conflict resolved in the story the monkeys paw?

The conflict is resolved by Mr. White wishing that everything would go back to normal.

What is the final part of the story in which the conflict is resolved and the story is brought to a close?

The conflict of a story is resolved during the falling action. This is where the characters begin to tie up all the loose ends in the story.

what is the resolution of a story ?

Maura and her mother pull themselves out onto the riverbank.

What does the protagonist try to ensure by the end of a story A. That the plot of the story makes sense B. That the main conflict has been resolved C. That the tension has been increased D. That the a?

That the main conflict has been resolved.

what the end of the conflict in a story is called?

The end of the conflict in a story is called the resolution. This is where the conflict is resolved, loose ends are tied up, and the story comes to a conclusion.

What is denoument in the story?

The denouement is the resolution or outcome of the story where loose ends are tied up and the conflicts are typically resolved. It is the final section of a story that provides closure and often reveals the ultimate fate of the characters.

When is the main conflict resolved in a story?

The main conflict in a story is typically resolved during the climax, which is the point of highest tension where the protagonist faces the antagonist or major obstacle. This resolution usually occurs towards the end of the story and paves the way for the conclusion.

What is a resolved ending in drama?

A resolved ending in drama refers to a conclusion where the conflicts or tensions between characters have been addressed and resolved. This often leads to a sense of closure for the audience, providing a satisfying end to the story.