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It means that the substance or object is able to be broken down by a biological agent such as bacteria so that the carbon in the substance can be used in living organisms.

When something "degrades", in general, it means that it breaks down into smaller pieces. Technically, when water erodes a rock, the rock is being "degraded".

What makes biodegrading different is the relationship it has with living things. Organic matter is made up of carbon atoms, and carbon atoms are very useful to living things. Living things use it to make energy, and it is involved in a lot of processes that go on in living cells. So, cells like carbon atoms.

When something biodegrades, it means that it not only breaks into smaller pieces, but it breaks into piece that are SO SMALL, and that are shaped in a way that they can be taken into the cells of living things, so that those cells can use the carbon.

That is why biodegrading is so important: when something biodegrades, it actually can be a source of energy for living things.

If you are interested in a humorous "teaching through dialogue" type of explanation of the difference between biodegradation and other kinds of degradation, you may want to check out this link, "Degrading Dialogue."
Capable of being decomposed by biological agents, especially bacteria.
It means anything that can be broken down by biological substances like bacteria. examples include juice, paper, yam, plastic etc lol

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