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Its a way of writing a report by writing it in paragraph form just as the event happened, as opposed to filling in the blanks reports or a SOAP note report, where you use a prescribed method of writing the report I.e. subjective, objective, assessment and progress.

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8y ago

A narrative writing, is a writing which tells a story using many details. Literature and song writers always use this type of writing. This type of writing uses superlatives such as: wonderful, gorgeous, and magnificent. It is commonly used for the classes of English, Language Arts, and Spanish. It uses opinions emotions and feelings.
To give a funding agency the status of your lab's research project

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9y ago

When using media terms, narrative is the organization of a series of facts. Basically, our minds use a narrative affect by seeing a beginning, middle, and an end to events.

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15y ago

that no character is talking. Its some guy telling you.

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Q: What does the phrase Narrative Story mean?
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A narrative poem is a form of poetry that tells a story. It has a plot, characters, setting, and often includes elements like conflict and resolution. Narrative poems can be short or long and can be written in various poetic forms.

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A narrative passage is when you are telling a story. However, you are not in the story as a character.

Is India narrative?

India is a country. A narrative is a story. You can have a story about a country but a country is never a story. So India is not a narrative, but there are many narratives about India.

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It could mean a biography or a true story that happened in ones life.

The language used by the author in a story is called?

You may mean 'narrative' , a story or account of events whether true or fictitious

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Narrative fiction is the succession of events narrated in verbal medium. The events do not have to be real, they can be taking place in a possible world, but the elements of the narrative have to constitute a coherent whole.

What is the synonym of STORY?

Tale, narrative, account.