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"Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church" by Emily Dickinson explores the idea that nature can be a place of spiritual connection and worship, often more so than a traditional church setting. The poem suggests that individuals find their own ways to practice religion and connect with the divine, even outside of organized religion. Dickinson emphasizes the personal and intimate relationship one can have with nature as a source of spiritual sustenance.

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12y ago

I assume you are speaking of Emily Dickinson's "Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church". I believe that she is saying that while some may choose to flock to church on the Sabbath day, in the midst of choirs and sermons, and such, she chooses to keep the Sabbath at home, in a simplistic way with just her family. She is conveying to us that she does not need a large church service to accomodate her keeping the Sabbath, but is content to worship the Lord in her home.

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Q: What is the meaning of the poem some keep the sabbath going to church?
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Style on some keep the sabbath going to church?

Christians dress in their best clothes and pray and sing to God.

What lit terms are used in Some keep the Sabbath going to church?

Please rephrase your question. In its present form it is unintelligible.

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"Some keep the Sabbath going to Church" is a poem written by Emily Dickinson about the different ways people worship. The poem reflects on individual interpretations of faith and how people find spiritual connection through different practices, including attending church on the Sabbath. Dickinson explores themes of personal belief and the diversity of religious experiences.

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church?

It talks about other people and their religious habits. It also takes a religious appreciation of the nature in her yard.

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Both poems concern religion on a basic and fundamental level

What poetic elements does Emily Dickinson use in the poem Some keep the Sabbath going to Church?

A.In her orchard

Who wrote some keep the Sabbath by going to church?

God commanded all the keep His Sabbaths: Leviticus 19:3New King James Version (NKJV) 3 'Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father, and keep My Sabbaths: I am the Lord your God.We are to keep these days 'holy' and remember God as our Creator. It does not command our going to a specific building or church, however, we are to assembly with other believers and this is commonly done by all going to a church.

Are there any Christian churches that keep the true sabbath?

That depends on which day is defined as the Sabbath, but generally no Christian church seems to keep it any more; the push of the outside world is too much.

What is Dickinson saying about religion in some keep the sabbath?

Emily Dickinson's poem "Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church" is anexpression of her rather unorthodox view of how a person should live his orher spiritual life. Most people celebrate the Sabbath by going to church;however, Emily Dickinson feels that time is better spent at home andespecially with nature, a very prevalent theme in this poem.She starts her poem making the simple statement that some people keep theSabbath by going to church, but she stays at What_is_Emily_Dickinson_trying_to_say_about_religion_in_some_keep_the_sabbath. She makes comparisonsbetween church and her home stating that she has birds for a choir and anorchard for a dome (dome meaning a church building). She states that somepeople What_is_Emily_Dickinson_trying_to_say_about_religion_in_some_keep_the_sabbathfor church, but she just wears her wings. Wings aresymbolic of what God gives her, and they relate to her expression of theglory found in nature. She says that instead of ringing bells for church,her Sexton, which she has mentioned as the bobolink, What_is_Emily_Dickinson_trying_to_say_about_religion_in_some_keep_the_sabbath. In her lastparagraph, Emily says that God, who of What_is_Emily_Dickinson_trying_to_say_about_religion_in_some_keep_the_sabbathis a noted Clergyman,preaches to her through life, a sermon that is never long. She says thatinstead interrupting her life to go to church, she is going home where shecan live her life and get to heaven just as What_is_Emily_Dickinson_trying_to_say_about_religion_in_some_keep_the_sabbath.

In Emily Dickinson's poem 324 (Some keep the Sabbath going to Church) what does the speaker prefer to listen to?

Enjoy Nature (APEX)

In Some keep the Sabbath going to Church Dickinson uses the following poetic elements?

In "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church," Emily Dickinson uses elements such as imagery, symbolism, and irony. Imagery is used to bring to life the poet's personal connection to nature and spirituality, while symbolism is employed to convey deeper meanings about the Sabbath and religious practices. Irony is present in the contrast between traditional religious observance and the poet's unconventional way of experiencing the Sabbath.

Hasidic Jew keep holy the sabbath?

All Sabbath-observers keep the Sabbath holy; and Hassidim are among them.