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The sharp object symbol is a warning that a sharp object is present and you should be careful using it. Also, if its a knife or razor, hold it the proper way and don't fool around.

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Q: What is the meaning of the safety symbol sharp object?
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What is important about sharp object safety?

Sharp/pointed object safety is important because sharp things without care can cause injury.

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"Prick" can be used as a derogatory term meaning a contemptible person or an insult to someone's character. It can also refer to a sharp, pointed object or a small hole made by a sharp object.

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What symbol is used to represent sharp?

The "#" symbol. (shift key + 3)

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The sharp symbol (#)

What are the health and safety considerations related to use of a small sharp knife?

Always cut with the sharp edge of the knife move away from youHold the object being cut so that you hand that si not holding the knife is not anywhere near the direection in which you are cutting.

List down some of the laboratory precautions?

animal safety. sharp objects safety. chemical safety. fire safety. poison safety. eye safety.

What is the meaning of a slasher film?

A slasher film is a horror film where the villain(s) use a sharp object from knives and swords to chainsaws to haunt and mutilate their victims.

What are puncture wounds?

Penetrated with sharp object

Object oriented programming in c sharp?

Yes, C# is object orientated.

What are the safety points of a stitch unpicker?

safety points of unpicker us be careful of sharp point of the unpicker