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micturition syncope

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Q: What is the medical term meaning blackout after urination?
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What is the medical term meaning something that stimulates urination?

Polyuria is the medical term meaning urinary frequency.

What is the medical term meaning decreased urination?

Oliguria is the term for reduced or scanty urine production.

What is the medical term meaning pus in the urination?

Pyuria is the medical definition for pus in the urine per the medical dictionary. This is called pyuria.

What is the medical term meaning nocturnal urination?

Excessive urination at night when you wake up several times is called nocturia. There are many causes but most likely is too much to drink before sleeping. Keeping tract of all fluid intake can help if you need to see a doctor.

What is the medical term meaning not less than normal urination?

Polyuria is the formation and excretion of a large volume of urine.

What is the medical term meaning condition of dysuria and hesitancy often associated with the aging process?

painful or difficult urination.

What are the medical terms for unrination?

Urination is a medical term for the passing of urine. Uresis and miction are synonyms for urination.

What is the medical term meaning urination?

Urinate is a medical term. You may also see the word micturate or void, a synonym. But most health care providers and medical text books simply use the word urinate.

What is the medical term meaning involuntary release of urine?

Enuresis is the medical meaning urinary incontinence. Primary enuresis means that the patient has never had control over urination. In contrast, secondary enuresis means the patient had been continent, but then lost the control of urination. Nocturnal enuresis means bedwetting.

What is the medical term meaning lack of urination or lack of urin formation by the kidneys?

Anuria is the term for lack of urination (less than 50 ml of urine per day). Oliguria is the term for a low level of urination.

What is the medical term meaning faint?

Syncope is the medical term meaning fainting.

What is the Medical term meaning deafness?

Anacusis is the medical term meaning complete deafness.