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Best place to take a temperature?Rectal temperature is the most accurate, however how many of us want to have it taken that way? Also, this method does have a slight chance for injury to the rectum or of losing the thermometer into the rectum.

Next best is oral temperature. To take an oral temperature, which is almost as reliable when done correctly, make sure the person has not had anything to eat or drink within the last 10 minutes. Place the thermometer under the tongue so that it sits down in the small "pouch-like" area on either side of the piece of tissue that holds the tongue down, (the frenulum).

The person must hold their mouth closed and keep the thermometer in place for a certain period of time. If you have a digital thermometer, it will tell you when it's "done". If you are using an old "Mercury thermometer", the thermometer must stay under the tongue for at least a minute to 2 minutes.

NOTE: Mercury thermometers are being phased out. The mercury inside is highly toxic and you should dispose of all mercury thermometers by taking them to a recycling center that handles that. DO NOT THROW IT IN THE TRASH. Mercury is poisonous to every living thing.

The third way of taking the temperature, is under the arm. (Called an "axillary temperature".) Make sure the "reading" part of the thermometer is centered in the middle of the arm pit. Have the person hold their arm firmly against their body for one minute, (or until thermometer beeps). *Add* one degree to an axillary temperature to make it accurate. Note: this is not very accurate in people who are extremely thin, or who have had their arms in the air for a period of time. Nor is it accurate to obtain a temperature on someone who has hypothermia.

Other methods such as the forehead strips are only designed to give a "general" reading and if there is any reason to suspect that the temperature is too high or too low, using one of the above methods is recommended.

FYI: "normal" body temperature for adults ranges between 96 and 99 degrees F. The older a person gets, usually the lower their temperature is. There is no single "normal" temperature.

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Q: Where is the most accurate place to check the body temperature?
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Body temperature can be taken orally, under the armpit and rectally uaing a thermometer. Electronic thermomitors inserted into the ear canal give a fast and accurate temoperature reading. Normal body temperature is 36.1 to 37.1 degrees C.

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