

What is the most active non metal in the periodic table?

Updated: 2/24/2022
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7y ago

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It is fluorine. Fluorine is part of the halogens they are very active nonmetals.

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Vada Boyer

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Q: What is the most active non metal in the periodic table?
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The most active metal elements on the periodic table would be Group I. These are the alkali metals which are Lithium, Rubidium, Sodium, Cesium, Francium and Potassium.

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The most active metal is francium (Fr). It is located farthest to the left and at the bottom. The most active nonmetal is fluorine (F). It is located at the top of Group 17 (the halogens).

What is the most active metal on the periodic?

Francium is the most reactive metal. Reactivity increases and you go down a family and decreases as you go across a period on the Periodic Table. Francium is the farthest left and the lowest so it is the most reactive.

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This element is francium in the first group of periodic table.

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The most chemically active non-metal, and the most reactive element overall, is fluorine. Fluorine has an extremely high electronegativity, meaning that it will remove an electron form almost anything. Therefore, it is amazingly reactive, and it even reacts with glass.