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The most common fracture site in both genders is the radius/ulna.

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Q: What is the most common fracture in a child under the age of 18?
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What is the most common type of mid-facial fracture?

Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture

What is the most common type of mid facial fracture?

Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture

Does fracture make up the most common mineral group?

No. Fracture is not a mineral group at all but a manner in which a mineral may break. Silicates are the most common mineral group.

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What is the main term for fracture of the clavicle?

The main term for a fracture of the clavicle is a broken collarbone. It is one of the most common bones in the human body that get broken easily.

Which fractures are most common in the elderly?

the most common fracture of an elderly person might be their hip. i think

Why are greenstick fracture most common in children?

Childrens bones are bendier than adults. As a child grows up their bones become harder and not as easy to bend. Hope this helps :) x

Where does the most common acute fracture of the foot occur?

in the first and second metatarsal.

Which fracture type are most common in older people?

Comminuted Fractures are more common in the elderly, because their brittle bones are more like to have the shattering-type effect of the Comminuted fracture.

What type of fracture happens only in children?

Greenstick Fractures only occur in young pliable bones.

What are the most five common fractures?

boxer's fracture, 5th and 4th metacarpal neck

What fracture is most common in the elderly?

Hip fractures are high the older you get.