

What is the most common type of solidified lava?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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Basalt, the extrusive igneous rock that comprises most of the oceanic crust, is the most common type of solidified lava.

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Q: What is the most common type of solidified lava?
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Pahoehoe lava flows are characterized as having a fairly smooth surface that resembles the twisted braids of rope. These particular flows a fed internally by a liquid beneath a solidified or partially solidified surface.

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In terms of composition, basaltic lava is the most common type. When it flows it can be divided into two varieties: Pahoehoe which has a smooth, ropey texture, and a'a, which has a borken, jagged surface.

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What happens if you pour liquid nitrogen into a volcano?

Not a lot, most volcanoes have solidified on the surface so there is no open lava at the surface. It would be pouring liquid nitrogen onto rock which would not do much at all. Even if there were some lava on the surface pouring liquid nitrogen onto it would just accelerate the cooling and solidifying into rocks dependent on what type of lava it is.

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The most common type of lava is basaltic. However some lavas may be andesitic or ryolitic. Rhyolite is the extrustive equivalent of granite.

What type of lava erupts from oceanic vents and quickly cools in the water?

That would be the result of a submarine volcano. Pillow lava is a common type of lava that submarine volcanoes produce.

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Basaltic lava.