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I would say that any joint of the body can reach a point when it can get very painful indeed. And this is usually just before a replacement is considered. It is difficult to appreciate how debilitating and painful a joint can get until after it has been replaced if that was the only way to fix it. I for instance had an elbow replaced and never fully understood just how painful it was until after I was able to start using it properly again. So I would say it depends largely on each individual situation.

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Q: What is the most painful joint replacement?
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What is the most common reason for joint replacement?

Seventy percent of joint replacements are performed because arthritis has caused the joint to stiffen and become painful to the point where normal daily activities are no longer possible

What joints are treated by joint replacement?

Joint replacement has become the operation of choice for most chronic knee and hip problems, particularly because of advances in the type and quality of prostheses.

How is shoulder replacement done?

Shoulder joint replacement is very successful in relieving any type of shoulder joint pain. This surgery can correct any form of painful shoulder condition and associated shoulder Arthritis type. This surgery is considered a final treatment plan, when all forms of lifestyle change and medications fail to cure pain. Painful shoulder arthritis means the removal of smooth cartilage surfaces of the shoulder.

Is total knee arthroplasty and knee replacement the same?

Total knee replacement is a type of total joint arthroplasty. Total joint arthroplasty could refer to any joint replacement.

Who gets Total joint replacement?

Total joint replacement is usually reserved for people over the age of 60

What is Joint Replacement Surgery and why use it?

Joint replacement is preferred when a person suffers from injury and relatable issues and he or she cant move their joints and faces difficulties while doing their daily life activities. In such cases, doctors suggest the patients go for Joint replacement surgery. A joint replacement surgery aims to restore the mobility of a damaged joint by replacing it with an artificial one. Joint replacement surgery is usually preferred when most of the treatment procedures fail for the joint injury. It is always better to approach the best joint replacement surgeon to get the right treatment to recover from the injury. It usually takes few months to recover from the injury, thus it is important to plan things and make the necessary actions. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides the best facilities and treatment for shoulder replacement surgery.

What is the painful condition of the knee without joint effusion?

Degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis)

What would be the last resort of most severe way to deal with a disease joint that is highly damaged due to Arthritis?

complete joint replacement. like my elbow.

What is joint arthroplasty also called?

Joint arthroplasty is also called total Joint replacement

Can be shown by arthography?

An arthrography procedure may locate cysts in the joint area, evaluate problems with the joint's arrangement and function, indicate the need for joint replacement, or show problems with existing joint replacement (prostheses).

Where is the best place to go for joint replacement surgery?

One could consult a doctor or medical professional for knee joint replacement surgery. Orthopedic surgeons perform knee joint replacement surgery in hospitals and private outpatient surgery centers.

What type of surgery is arthroplasty?

Joint replacement