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The ground state.

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Q: What is the most stable state of an atom called?
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What is a ground state?

the lowest energy level occupied by an electron when an atom is in its most stable energy state

An atom with it's electrons in the lowest possible energy level is said to be?

in most stable state.

How many electrons are called are needed in the outer energy level of most atoms for the atom to be stable?

Eight electrons, called an octet, are needed by most atoms in order to be stable.

What is the final stable state of a succession called?

The final stable state of succession is called the climax community. It most often consists of tall, thick forests.

How does an atom of a representative element achieve its most stable state?

The valence shell must be completed to eight electrons.

Is iron the most stable atom?


What will an atom of iodine most likely do to be stable?

Steal an electron from an atom of a different element.

Does an atom become most stable when trying to fill its nucleus?

It becomes most stable when its nucleus is filled, not when it is filling it.

What is the level comprised of the smallest stable units of matter?

the smallest STABLE unit of matter IS an atom

Is the most atom more or less stable when they have eight valence electrons true or false?

less stable

What is meant by the term decay?

The nucleus of each atom has a specific number of protons and neutrons and is either stable or unstable, depending on the relative number of each. The most stable atoms are those that have an equal number of protons and neutrons. Atoms that are unstable are radioactive. An atom that is radioactive can also be called a radionuclide. Of the known nuclides (approximately 2,000), only 264 are stable, and of the known radionuclides (approximately 1,700), only 70 occur in nature. The rest are man-made. Unstable atoms undergo a process called radioactive decay to reach a more stable state.

What is ionising energy?

When an element is in the gaseous state, it is the energy absorbed by that element to make one(the first) outer most electron leave the atom .