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"Q" is the obvious one. Without the "U", it is pronounced the same as "K". With the "U" it is pronounced as "Kw". "Queen" is easily replaced with "Kween".

The most useless letter could be "C", though. It makes the "k" or "s" sound. However, it is useful as "ch", and would be hard to replace with another letter.

We could however remove the "C" and replace it with the Russian letter "Ч" which is the "ch" sound in a single letter. The name of the letter is pronounced "cheh". "Cheese" would then be spelled "Чeese". It would take some getting used to, but it would simplify the language.

Another useless letter would be "x". It makes two sounds in English "ks" or "z".

There is absolutely no need for it in English. The only word which may be hard to change would be "x-ray". Even then, it could just be "eks-ray".

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