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Q: What is the name of US foreign policy that prevents communism?
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What was the name of the US foreign-policy decide to stop the spread of communism during the cold war?

It was a policy of containment to stop communism.

What was the name of the US policy that aim to slow the spread of communism in the world?

What was the name of the US Foreign policy that was designed to limit the influence of the Soviets & communism on the world?

What was the name of the US policy that aimed to slow spread of communism in the world?

What was the name of the US Foreign policy that was designed to limit the influence of the Soviets & communism on the world?

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The name of William Howard Taft's Foreign Policy was Dollar Diplomacy.

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Premier Nikita Khrushchev's foreign policy was dubbed "peaceful coexistence". By this he meant that the USSR would not try to defeat the US and its allies by warfare. He believed that war was unnecessary. For him the advent of world socialism and communism was inevitable. He did vow to support the ideas of socialists in capitalistic countries like the US.

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