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How about "Vertically challenged."

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11y ago

It means that whatever is said is generally a GOOD thing, or is meant in a GOOD way.

"I lucked out" GENERALLY means that I got lucky or something favorable happened to me that I was not expecting or did not deserve. It generally has a FAVORABLE CONNOTATION although you would expect (logically) that it would mean that you ran out of luck; it doesn't mean that though.

"He's walking in tall cotton" is an expression from the Deep South in the USA. It means someone is doing very well financially. It has a favorable connotation.

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12y ago

And example of a positive connotation is for example..

Everardo "attends" chaparral on Saturday nights.

And example of a neggative connotation is for example..

Soulmate: Viejo ya sacaste la ropa de la secadora?

Everardo: No!

Soulmate: Aver ke horas ehh?!

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10y ago

Most words have different meanings.

Denotative meaning is like a definition, a dictionary analysis of that word

Connotative meaning is more abstract, its how you react to that word

The same idea can have one dictionary definition, (denotative) but many connotative associations.

Arrogant Confident Egotistical Presumptuous

Proud Self-Assured Bold

All of the words above roughly mean "sure of oneself" but arrogant has a very different association than confident. The same way that Bold seems different from Self-Assured.

A Positive Connotation for "sure of oneself" would be confident, or self assured.

We associate confidence as a good quality to have whereas

Arrogance would be a negative connotation because we associate

people who are over-self-assured to be unpleasant and therefore have

a less appealing connotation.

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10y ago

one answer:

A child is simply a young person. Any question of 'connotation ' is psuedo-educational excess.

another answer:

Yes, but like it or not, all cultures have certain words which carry a positive or negative connotation. To a foreign-language learner of English, knowing these connotations is important. "Child" carries both-- as a positive connotation, it conveys being trusting, open, innocent, eager to learn. In the Christian scriptures, Jesus is quoted as saying that we must all become like little children if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven-- that is, we must approach our faith with simplicity, rather than over-analyzing everything. But of course, child also carries a negative connotation of being immature, foolish, impulsive, or too young to understand: "you are acting like such a child!" The connotation depends on how the word is being used in the sentence.

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11y ago

Words convey not only meaning but value judgements. Connotations are the value judgements suggested by certain words. Connotations are not built into words, but are placed on the words by the people using them. To a Republican in the United States, the word "liberal" is an insult with a very negative connotation; to most people in the English-speaking world it has a positive connotation and is a compliment.

In the context of bigotry and racism, we have seen racial terms acquiring a negative connotation when used by racists, resulting in the racial groups themselves seeking a new word without the connotation, which word also acquires the negative connotation as soon as the racists start to use it.

The reverse can also be the case: people can use a label as a point of pride, and the more it is used in this way, the more it will lose its negative connotation.

The connotations of words reflect the values held by those that are using them. There are few if any words meaning "fat" with positive connotations because our society regards heaviness negatively. On the other hand are the people who are slim, lissom, svelte, lithe, etc. etc.

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10y ago

A word or phrase that is attached with optimistic perception

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11y ago

is something that is GOOD. like mansion instead of shack

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7y ago



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