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The normal monoploid (n) # of a female sex cell is 23 chromosomes

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Q: Which Of the combination of sex chromosomes is found in a normal human female?
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A normal human cell containing 44 autosomes and 2 x chromosomes is what?

This would be a cell found in a female.

What is the sex chromosome combination of a female?

the combination of sex chromosomes for a female is XXX it is the triple x because in 1947 a women in North Bonerville Africa found that women have 3 sex chromosomes while males only have two

The total set of chromosomes found in either egg or sperm?

The number of chromosomes found in either and egg of sperm is half the number of chromosomes found in a normal cell of the organism. For example, if you are thinking of a human sperm or egg cell is would be 23 chromosomes, since the normal human cell has 46.

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How many chromosomes are in a gorilla?

48 chromosomes are found in the gorilla - 48,XX in the female and 48,XY in the male.

What produces cells that have half normal number of chromosomes found in body cells?

Meiosis, the division of sex cells, produces cells with half the number of chromosomes found in body cells. This is for a very simple reason - when a male sex cell and a female sex cell combine, they form one cell with the full number of chromosomes.

What are xx chromosomes called?

XX chromosomes are called sex chromosomes and are typically found in females.

How many chromosomes are found in a normal human cell?

46, or 23 pairs

What sex chromosomes do girls have?

the combination of sex chromosomes for a female is XXX it is the triple x because in 1947 a women in North Bonerville Africa found that women have 3 sex chromosomes while males only have two

Why do female and male sex cells have fewer chromosomes than the body cells?

The Y chromosome is found in males only. Females have XX chromosomes whereas males have XY chromosomes. That is why they are different, because an XY cannot be female and an XX cannot be male.

How many chromosomes are found in a gorilla?

How many chromonsomes does a gorrila have? The answer is the same

How many chromosomes are in a mature sex cell?

A sex cell contains half the number of chromosomes found in a somatic (normal) cell. Therefore a human sex cell would contain 23 chromosomes.