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Q: What is the normal phase in Degrees of Phosphorus?
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Whats phosphorus normal phase?

The normal phrase of phosphorus is thymine. Phosphorus is nonmetallic and is generally solid at room temperature, and has a melting point of 373 degrees Kelvin.

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the normal phase of silver is the average temperature of the human body. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the phase of phosphorus at room temperature?

the natural state of phosphorus is a white- yellow powder form. it can be found in almost anything natural. the natural state of phosphorus is a white- yellow powder form. it can be found in almost anything natural.

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The normal phase of aluminum at room temperature is a solid. You can, however, heat to really high temperatures until it becomes a liquid or even a gas.

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What it is phosphorus's state of matter?

At normal temperatures, phosphorus is a solid.

What is a normal phase in science?

At the point where the rays meet at the mirror, draw a line at right angles to the mirror (normal means 90 degrees)

What is the normal phase of ununnilium?

The normal phase of Ununnilium is synthetic. The normal phase of Ununnilium is synthetic.

What is the melting point for phosphorus?

The boiling point of posphorus is 536 degrees Fahrenheit or 280 degrees Celsius

What is the normal phase for argon?

what is the normal phase of the elment Argon The normal phase of the element Argon is a gas.

What is the normal phase of sodium?

The normal phase is a solid.