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I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1,000 In order to make a number into a roman numeral, you simply add them. For example, 250 would be represented as CCL. One C for each 100 and the L for the 5. Another simple example would be 671 - which would be shown as DCLXXI. One thing to remember is that we can also subtract these numerals to make writing them shorter and easier. Let me show you; If you wanted to make the number 144, you might assume that it would be written as CXXXXIIII. However, that's awfully long and can effectivly be shorted to CXLIV. Did you see what was done there? The C remains to make the 100 but there is an X before the L and a I before the V. The X being writen before the L shows us that we subract 10 from the 50 that the L represents, therefor making 40. The same applies to the I being written before the V. One more thing to note: Higher numbers are represented with a line over the letter. For example; 5,000 would be a V with a line written above it. 50,000 would be an L with a line written above it, etc.

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