

How old was the oldest Russian Hamster?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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They can live to be 4 years old with great care.

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My hamster is 3 its still alive

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Q: How old was the oldest Russian Hamster?
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How old is the oldest Russian artifact?

Russian oldest man claims to be 163

What is the world record hamster age?

The oldest recorded hamster lived to be 4.5 years old.

What is Hamster in Russian?

Russian dwarf hamster

How old was the oldest hamster in the world when it died?

The oldest living hamster was a black bear hamster and it was 6 years old! We put vitamins in its water and we dont know if that helped but we think it did help.i actually had a hamster with me for seven yeas she had six babys when she was three .She was a teddy bear hamster i could not have asked for a better pet.

Are Russian hamsters dwarfs?

Yes they are. They are called Russian Dwarf Hamsters, Campbell's Dwarf Hamster, and Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster.

At what age is a hamster capable of reproduction?

A syrian hamster can have babies from 3 months old Chinese from 6 months and roberski and Russian from 7 months.

Are all Russian Hamsters dwarf hamsters?

A hamster can be Russian and not a dwarf, for example the European Hamster can be found in Russia, but it is certainly not a dwarf species. However the 'Russian Dwarf' hamster is a specific species that is considered a dwarf variety.

What is the oldest dwarf hamster?

I don't know how old the oldest is, but my son's hamster (teddybear) lived to be just over 4 years old. Harry was a great hamster. He always had hamster vitamins put in his water so maybe this helped him have a long life. Me and my nan was just wondering while cleaning out my hamster (Feams) I believe that my hamster must be about 6, without a doubt. So I really want to know how old the oldest hamster is? Anyone? My hamster is over 4. We bought him (Hammy) 4 ago and he was 6 months old. I have had previous hamsters but none as old as this! He may be old but he is thrivin' and the oldest hamster was 4 years and 4 months... HE DID IT!!! 6! That is impossible cos hamsters live short lives. Are you sure it wasn't a rabbit=0

How do you pronounce hamster in Russian?


What are some of the types of hamsters?

I can name three hamsters. There is the Russian hamster, the Dwarf hamster, and the Chinese hamster.

Can a Winter White Dwarf Hamster be German NOT Russian?

No, the name of the hamster is Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster. They aren't actually born in Russia unless you get them imported from there or buy it directly from there.

Is a Chinese hamster easier to handle then a Russian hamster?

Yes... because they are easier to train and dont bite as much .Russian hamsters hiss.