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Kingdom Protozoa posses: Ciliaphora, Sarcomastigophora, and sporozoa

Sarcomastigophora are pseudopods or flagellates and contain superclass sarcodina and mastigophora...mastigophora contains the class zoomastigophora

basically the obvious commonality is that they are all PROTOZOANS...look at a phylum tree or a dichotomy tree you will be able to find commonalities amongst them...

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Q: What is the one characteristic that the phyla Zoomastigina Ciliophora Sarcodina and Sporozoa have in common?
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There are four major phyla's of animal-like protists. These four are sarcodina, ciliophora, sporozoa, mastigophora. With ciliophora being the main one.

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Paramecium is located in the phylum ciliophora.

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Protozoa is a diverse group of single-celled organisms. They belong to the kingdom Protista, phylum Protozoa. Within this phylum, there are different classes such as Sarcodina (amoebas), Ciliophora (ciliates), Flagellata (flagellates), and Sporozoa (sporozoans). Each class further contains various orders, families, genera, and species.

What are the 4 classes of the parasitic protozoans?

Protozoa are generally classified by what they use to move. They're grouped as: Flagellates - Use Flagella Ciliates - Use Cilia Amoeboids - Use Pseudopods (false feet) Sporozoans - Have no motive structures

What is a example of a cell organization?

Archaea, Bacteria, Amoeba, Coccidia, Cystoflagellata, Difflugia, Filosa ,Flagellata, Foraminifera, Gregarines, Haemosporidia, Heliozoa, Infusosia, malaria, Mastigophora, Mycetozoa, Myonemes, Protista, Protozoa, Pylome, Radiolaria, Rhizopoda, Sarcodina, Sporozoa.

What is Example of a single cell organisms?

Any bacteria.

What kingdom does sporozoa belongs to?


How do phylum sporozoa move?

Sporozoa move through a process known as flexion. Sporozoa move a part of the cell called gyloqiterior back and forth to enable them to move. It produces more of a slithering effect than getting up and moving.

What are the treatments of sporozoa?

Sporozoa is a species of obligate intracellular protozoan parasites. These are the causing agent of malaria in humans and animals, transmitted by female mosquitoes.

What does the phylum sporozoa contain?

it contains spores.

How do sporozoans moves?

Sporozoa have no organelles for movement.