

What is the path of electrical conductors?

Updated: 3/19/2022
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7y ago

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Wherever the flow of electrons are attracted to (they're attracted to positive forces)

in other words, anywhere theres a positive influence.

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Joany Funk

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Q: What is the path of electrical conductors?
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In what types of products are conductors used?

Conductors are used in every electrical product and device that is manufactured. Without the conductors there would be no path for the electricity to travel.

How do you read electrical circuits?

Electrical circuit is a network that has closed path giving a return way for the current. It is a connection of power supply, conductors and loads.

What does an electrical current flow in?

Electrical conductors.

What type of resistance do conductors have?

Conductors have a (low) Electrical resistance.

What is a path of electric conductors called?

The path of electric conductors is called a complete circuit. It lets electrons a path to flow from their source to the load and back again.

What are some examples where electrical conductors are used for?

Electrical conductors are used in wiring. They allow electricity to flow through the wire and into the item needing the electrical power. Wires are usually made of copper or aluminum because these metals are good electrical conductors.

Are electrical conductors and insulators equally important for electricity?

Yes. You need both conductors and insulators to work with electricity. Conductors such as wires provide a path for electricity to move where it is needed and insulators prevent electricity from dissipating, from being where it is not supposed to be and where it can cause harm and damage.

What are some good conductors and bad ones?

Good Electrical conductors: All metals, ionic substances (in solution or molten form) Bad Electrical conductors: Water Good Heat conductors: All Metals Bad Heat Conductors: Water

Are high density materials good electric conductors?

They are good electrical conductors.

What is a complete conducting path along which electrical charges can flow?

Electrical charges are of 2 types:-Electrons, andIons.A complete conducting path is like a loop which is followed by these charge carriers and then they return back to their original point of starting the flow. A closed electrical circuit is an example of a complete conducting path. In solid conductors electrons are the charge carriers while in liquids the ions are the charge carriers.

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Are plastics non electrical conductors?

Thery are non-electrical condutors