

What is the percentage of income taken for child support?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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You need to visit your local family court and request a copy of your state child support guidelines.

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Q: What is the percentage of income taken for child support?
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What are the child support rules-laws regarding percentage of income in minnesota?

Child support information in MN can be found by contacting the state offices and talking to the child support group. They can advise on what is available and the best ways of making sure all the support available is given.

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Any money designated as taxable income is subject to garnishment for child support.

How do you stop child support from taking your money?

Child support is worked out by your annual income so you should not be paying more than you can afford. I believe there is a percentage of your wages that you must still have after child support is taken. Check with your child support how much that is. In my country no more than 40% of your wages can be taken for child support.

What is the percentage that can be taken out of pay for child support arrearage?

Depends on the jurisdiction; in Illinois, it's a percentage of the amount of current support (generally, 20%).

How many garnishment can be taken out for child support in New York?

Up to 55% of gross income.

Can arears for childsupport be taken ssi disabilty?

SSI income cannot be attached for child support.

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If you are receiving child support for your daughter from her father and he has another child and the mother of that child files for child support also is your daughter child support affected by that?

Yes since there is only so much money that can be taken for child support regardless of the number of children. The limit is 25% of a persons wage can be taken for child support. The courts can not take more then 25% of a persons income even if there are a hundred children.

Can chil support payment be taken from social secutiy checks?

Yes, child support payments can be taken from almost every source of income, including social security checks.

Do you get child support if the person is retired?

File a claim with the County Child Support Devision. Most people who retire have some sort of income that they live on and child support will be taken from those funds.