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the placenta is called an afterbirth after the baby is born

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11y ago

It is called 'afterbirth."

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Q: What is placenta called after it is expelled from the body after childbirth?
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What leave the mothers body during the stage of childbirth call afterbirth?

you deside baby , the cervix the placenta or the uterus

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What happens after placenta is expelled from a woman's body?

After the placenta is expelled from the body, the uterus immediately begins to shrink down to it's pre-pregnancy size. The nurse will feel for the fundus, or top, or the uterus and measure how far it goes down quite often. The uterus should be rather hard as it is contracting to normal size, but it may become soft, or boggy, and the nurse will massage the uterus until it becomes firm. The placenta will be stored in the hospital lab for about 2 weeks unless there are no complications and the parents request to take it home with them, for whatever reason.

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Urine and feces are the wastes that are expelled from the human body.

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The placenta is an organ that is inside the uterus in the female body. The uterus maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord. Some parents choose to eat the placenta after birth.

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