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Q: What is the popular art form in the Byzantine empire?
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What was the art period before Byzantine Art?

Well seeing as Byzantine Art really only applies to a style of art in the Byzantine Empire and not the world, one can't really give a definite name to its predecessor. However, Byzantine Art was influenced by art from the Roman Empire (Roman Art).

What style of art is associated with the emperor Justinian and the East Roman Empire?

The Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire has been termed Byzantine Empire by historians . Tts art is called Byzantine art. Icons were the most distinctive form of Byzantine art. These were paintings on flat panels, usually made of wood, depicting Christian themes. They were often gilded with golden leaf. The Byzantines developed their own style for mosaics. There was also Byzantine architecture.

What kind of art is the Byzantine Empire known for?

"Byzantine" art - mosaics, religious icons, domed cathedrals

What do Byzantine art differed from the art produced in the Western Roman Empire because Byzantine artists?

Developed the use of abstraction.

Byzantine art differed from the art produced in the Western Roman Empire because Byzantine artists?

developed the use of abstarction

How did the Russians have an effect on the byzantine empire?

the contact with the byzantine empire with the russians was that russia learned many cultural aspects and other languages including art work.

Where did The byzantine styles of art developed in?

The eastern Roman Empire.

What is a description of the legacy of byzantine?

The enduring legacy of the byzantine empire is seen in European art and legal systems.

Byzantine art was strongly influenced by?

Byzantine art evolved from early Christan art, particularly that of the eastern part of the Roman Empire which, in turn, was influenced by Greek and Roman art.

What effect did empress Theodora's ban on iconoclasm have on Byzantine empire?

The ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish.

What effect did empress Theodora's ban iconoclasm have on the byzantine empire?

The ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish.

What is a Byzantine art form pictures formed of chips or colored stones?

Mosaic is the art form.