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Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid (administered as drugs which reduce swelling and decrease the body's immune response) that is administered in dogs and cats for the treatment of certain emergency situations such as anaphylactic reactions, spinal chord trauma, and many other forms of shock. It is also widely used for treating autoimmune disease in dogs (canine autoimmune disease). This medical condition occurs when the body's own immune system creates antibodies against the tissues present in the body, for no apparent reason. Apart from being diagnosed in the humans, this disorder has been found to be common in dogs, cats and horses, among the animals. Prednisone for dogs is also used for different cases such as neoplasia and dermatologic diseases; allergic reactions like Asthma, hives and itching. The treatment of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs (canine IBD), inflammatory orthopedic diseases and many other disorders are also subjected to the use of prednisone.

Prednisone for Dogs Dosage
Before administrating the medicine, it is very important that a qualified vet is consulted. Such medicines are prescribed drugs and should only be obtained from a vet or by prescription by a vet. The dosage for anti-inflammatory medicines goes from 0.1 to 0.3 mg per pound upto twice on a daily basis. Immunosuppressive doses should be limited from 1 to 3 mg per pound and it should be administered three times daily. Other range between 0.1 to 3 mg per pound. The length of the course of medicine widely depends upon the specific condition and the characteristic response to the medication. The development of any kind of side effects should also be noted and informed about to the vet. The prescribed duration of the medicines must be completed as recommended by the doctor, even if the dogs start feeling better.

Prednisone for Dogs - Side Effects
Usage of prednisone for dogs has been known to cause adverse side effects in the animals. Gastric side effects like stomach ulcers and disturbed process of absorbing nutrients have been found in the dogs. The drug often makes them more thirsty than usual and increases frequency of urination. Weight gain is another characteristic side effect that shows up after using prednisone for dogs. This is because, the drug affects the dogs' appetite to increase abnormally. Due to this, dogs crave for food even if they are full after taking their meal.

Dogs may suffer from pain and inflammation in pancreas and become prone to Diabetes. This happens as the drug causes imbalance in the glands that are responsible for keeping diabetes under control. Diarrhea, fatigue, muscle weakness or joint pain and vomiting are some other prednisone for dogs side effects which usually come up during the course of using this medicine.

Prolong use of prednisone for dogs result in loss of hair coat, liver impairment, thinning of skin, cataracts, glaucoma and other unpredictable changes in the dog behavior such as abnormal fear or aggression. Overdose of the drug may lead on of the most severe side effects known as hyperadrenocorticism in dogs; also known by the name 'Canine Cushing's disease'. It is a complicated condition that occurs due to the overproduction of glucocorticoid in the pets' body and it is signified by a wide range of symptoms and causes.

Being a corticosteroid, the drug hinders the normal functioning of the adrenal glands. Its use for a longer period, creates dependency on the drug as the body may not be able to produce corticosteroids on its own.

Due to such severe side effects that prednisone has on dogs, it is mandatory to use the drugs with care and following only what has been prescribed by the vet. What is important to be treated with prime consideration is the amount of dosage given to the pets. Prednisone for dogs is no doubt effective, however, to ensure that is it safe at the same time, always seek for a vet's advice and directions. After all, dog health is most important for you to keep your loving companion happy and playful.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Hi, prednisolone is prescribed for many, many conditions. Often used for allergys such as flea bite allergys or other skin problems. If you let me know what is wrong with your dog I can try and explain why it has been given preds.

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11y ago

Prednisolone is used for a variety of uses for dogs cats and humans for the treatment of a wide range of inflammatory and auto-immune conditions such as asthma, uveitis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease,Bells Palsy,multiple sclerosis, cluster headaches and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. It can also be used as an immunosuppressive drug for organ transplants and in cases of adrenal insufficiency (Addison's).

My dog personally takes it for a skin allergy.

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Here's a site that discusses dosing, uses, side effects, and other issues that you will want to discuss with your physician:

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You can try online stores that sell legit prednisone drugs at affordable prices.

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