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The computer uses a binary system of numbers that are sent and processed in the central processing unit. The CPU tells the computer what to do such as play a sound.

Data & information are differentiated by humans, not the computers.If computer can process data, it becomes information for it,otherwise the entered data may not mean data to a computer. It is to the humans that how they enable and equip computer with the ability of processing entered input.However any input made to computer if comes out in any transformed new form, it is information,though it may not be precisely percievable to a human.It is the human brain one-time limited synthetics that enables the computer to follow his feeded instructional synthetic process to covert the input (data) to output (transformed data_termed 'information' by humans). Therefore we may say that ina a computer data is converted into information quite as the human brain synthetic processing methodologydictates.

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14y ago
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13y ago

This is a huge subject, that already fills many books. The short answer is that information is a construct of the human mind. Computers process data in various ways as directed by people, programmers and those who ask programmers to write software. With clever use of computer methods, the human mind extracts information from the data.

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11y ago

The computer uses a binary system of numbers that are sent and processed in the central processing unit. The CPU tells the computer what to do such as play a sound.

Data & information are differentiated by humans, not the computers.If computer can process data, it becomes information for it,otherwise the entered data may not mean data to a computer. It is to the humans that how they enable and equip computer with the ability of processing entered input.However any input made to computer if comes out in any transformed new form, it is information,though it may not be precisely percievable to a human.It is the human brain one-time limited synthetics that enables the computer to follow his feeded instructional synthetic process to covert the input (data) to output (transformed data_termed 'information' by humans). Therefore we may say that ina a computer data is converted into information quite as the human brain synthetic processing methodologydictates.

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15y ago

Sounds like someone wants free help with introductory information systems course homework ...

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11y ago

Data which is recieved from keyboard is placed in main memory. After the signal is recieved from control unit to main memory, the data is moved from main memory to secondary storage devices.

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Software, written by humans.

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Q: What is the process a computer uses to covert data into information?
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