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dehydration synthesis or condensation reaction

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Q: What is the process that forms disaccharides?
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When does a disaccharide forms?

Disaccharides are formed when two monosaccharides come together. Disaccharides can be glucose, sucrose, and many other forms of carbohydrates.

What is the process resulting in disaccharides?


In what three forms do carbohydrates exist?

Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides

Process by which disaccharides and polysaccharides can be broken apart?


What is the process by which disaccharides and polysaccharides can be broken apart?

Disaccharides are broken down by hydrolysis, which is the addition of water molecule, to turn into two monosaccharides

What is the name of chemical process that join disaccharides and polysaccharides?

Formation of polysaccharides is a process of polymerization.

What is the process whereby disaccharides and polysaccharides can be disassembled into simpler sugars by the addition of a water molecule?


Are disaccharides mixtures?

Disaccharides are not mixtures.

Disaccharides are converted into monosaccharides by the process of?

Hydrolysis is the process that breaks down polysaccharides into simpler sugars.

Is the process whereby disaccharides and polysaccharides can be disassembled into simpler sugars by the addition of a water molecule?

Hydrolysis A. for plato.

What do monosaccharides combine to make?

Monosaccharides combine through the process of dehydration synthesis to make disaccharides.

Is the process whereby disaccharides and polysaccharides can be disassemble into simpler sugars by the addition a water molecule?

Hydrolysis A. for plato.