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What is the proof of God's creation? Don't look to science to answer that. There isn't one shred of physical evidence to support the idea that God created the universe and/or the world we live on. Not one. Oh, and science isn't out to prove that God didn'tcreate the universe, either. It's only interested in the mechanics. Are Christians afraid of science? Afraid of what it will discover next? The mind of man is behind science. He is a naturally curious critter, and he wants to know stuff. Are Christians angry at science, or at man for his pursuit and development of it? Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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8y ago
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15y ago

That depends on your view of the nature of God. If you mean by God a super being with magical powers that said chango presto clicked his fingers and there was the Earth, NO. However if god is seen as an omnipotence the answer must obviously be Yes, even if it is not within our grasp to explain precisely the process

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12y ago

There is no evidence that God created the world. In fact the scientific evidence shows that, however we interpret the Book of Genesis, it does not explain what really happened. That of course leaves open the possibility that, although The Bible is not literally true, God did at least guide the natural processes that led to the creation of the world. It is possible to believe this, but there is no proof that even this more limited role for God is what really happened.

In his latest book, The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking says that because there are laws such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.

A:2There is no evidence that God made the world - this is a matter of faith rather than evidence. Some do see evidence in the beauty of the universe, others say the proof is in the Bible.

In Genesis chapter 1, there was a pre-existing watery chaos. The ocean was already present and a wind moved across the surface. The seas rested on the dry land, which appeared on day 3 when God gathered the waters together. The order of creation differs from that which scientists accept - in Genesis, the earth already existed before the sun, moon and stars, whereas scientists insist that the stars came first.



There is absolutely no evidence of such an entity as God who is an all powerful creator and administrator of this world. There is absolutely no credibility in the numerous theologies competing for prominence as authentic and divine enlightenment. If there was an entity as God which was responsible for this world then that entity would never be biased or prejudice in favor of one group and oppressive to others. God would never act in contravention of natural justice and equity as is evident in most oppressive man made religions. Just as it is natural for the sun and rain to shower themselves equally upon all entities, a true God would be no different.

A:4Nobody yet has been able to provide any evidence.

In short, there is none. No one has ever found anything that suggests a god(s) created the world.


A study of "design" found in creation is one thing. To maintain that, for instance, a study of the mind-boggling design of the human hand is an accident, and that it came about without a "Designer," is to ignore the evidence; the planning and detail involved in its creation.

That's like suggesting that no designer was involved in the clumsy attempts of men to try to replicate the intricacies of the amazing human hand in robots [not to mention the designs of all its other body parts], that they just came about on their own. To suggest it would be absurd. Yet, the notion of some that the infinite complexity of "design" in nature happened without a Designer is perfectly "believable"... and some people place their "faith" in that.

Not to mention the miriad of different and amazing designs found throughout creation: the tree, its leaves; different animal designs... an earthworm, etc. To think that it all somehow came into existence time, after time, after innumerable times by accident... is to ignore the evidence of the "design, planning and forethought" that went into them.

The "evidence" is there in "design" throughout creation. It's just that not everyone wants to see it. So they don't.

because the Bible says so.

depends what you believe in.

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8y ago

Another answer from our community:

The earth, the fact that we are alive, is the best evidence for God. If He hadn't created us, we wouldn't be alive. Our very existence- that's definitely the best evidence.

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9y ago

There is no evidence that God made the world - this is a matter of faith rather than evidence. Some do see evidence in the beauty of the universe, others say the proof is in the Bible.
In Genesis chapter 1, there was a pre-existing watery chaos. The ocean was already present and a wind moved across the surface. The seas rested on the dry land, which appeared on day 3 when God gathered the waters together. The order of creation differs from that which scientists accept - in Genesis, the earth already existed before the sun, moon and stars, whereas scientists insist that the stars came first.
For more information, please visit:

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9y ago

The total lack of evidence that the Earth was created by a Supreme Being or god does not prove that God did not create the Earth. Science does not comment on spiritual matters, but says that if God created the Earth, it must have been about 4.54 billion years ago.

For more information on the biblical account and modern interpretations, please visit:

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8y ago

The tradition of Creation by God goes all the way back to the first man, passed down in an uninterrupted chain of teachers and disciples, and recorded in the Torah by Moses (Deuteronomy 31:24) at God's dictation (Exodus 24:12).Evolution is fraught with difficulties and it remains in fact a theory, open to dispute by people who choose not to ignore its problems. It can neither be proven nor demonstrated in the lab (in its broader sense of giving rise to new organs or species). Those wishing to look for further evidence may find these links useful:Is there evidence against Evolution

Can you show that God exists

God's wisdom seen in His creations

More about God's wisdom

Discovering Creation

Understanding Creation

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8y ago

Unfortunately, for nearly two thousand years, the best minds in Christianity have sought to come up with evidence or proof that God exists, but have been unable to do so. One limitation in arguments such as our existence or the order and beauty of the world is that if these are the best evidence for God, they are also the best evidence for the Hindu god Brahma - or indeed any other creator god.

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8y ago

There is no proof that God was involved in creation; in fact no proof that God even exists. Both assumptions are based on faith, and faith alone.

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