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what is a cost centre

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Q: What is the purpose of a cost center within a business organisation?
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The organisation structures and communication channels within your organisation are memos, emails, telephone calls within the business etc

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Business communication is information given between people within an organisation. This is does for benefits.

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The role and the purpose of the accounting function can be identified 'to ensure the business's transactions are recorded and processed completely accurately and securely, and that relevant information is given to management'.

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These are the factors within the organisation that you have control over such as suppliers, staff etc

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Refers to the Internal Politics within an Organisation between the different levels of the organisation. (Top, middle/lower Management and the employee's)

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an internal environment of an organisation is the environment the organisation has control over, it simply means the environment within the organisation. In business management the internal environment of the organisation consists of its internal resource and capabilities. So what resources does the organisation have to turn inputs into outputs and does it have the skills and knowledge necessary to do so?

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they value the repeat custom as if they can get customers to return they will make maximum profit within the organisation.

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1. Adding value to an organisation both the labour force and the business itself 2. Manage talent within your organisation - try to attract and keep talented and hard-working people in the organisation. 3. Globalization 4. IT 5. Business Control 6. Information-workers 7. Info-management

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firstly ethical objectves are the goals set by an organisation that fall within an established set of moral guidliness or fair business practices

What are the contemporary HRM issues?

1. Adding value to an organisation both the labour force and the business itself 2. Manage talent within your organisation - try to attract and keep talented and hard-working people in the organisation. 3. Globalization 4. IT 5. Business Control 6. Information-workers 7. Info-management