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The purpose of a frog's teeth are to hold it's prey in place, while it swallows it's meal whole. It has only front teeth, so chewing is not possible, and not needed.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Teeth help a frog to hold its pery in its mouth.

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12y ago

Thats a good question... what is a "purpose frog"?

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13y ago

because the upper teeth are too small , and the other set is for eating meats and Biryani only :)

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12y ago

The lining in a frog's mouth performs 90% of their respiration because it is rich with capillaries.

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Q: What is the purpose of the lining inside a frog's mouth?
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Yes it is ! It's a highly-venomous snake native to the south-eastern area of the united states. The name comes from the white lining of the inside of its mouth.

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The lips, the tongue, the teeth, the gums, the lining inside the lips and cheeks, the floor of the mouth (under the tongue), the roof of the mouth and the small area behind the wisdom teeth.

Where is a frogs tongue attached in the mouth?

the frongs tongue is located in the fron of the mouth

Can you eat your own mouth?

9 frogs

What do frogs use their mouth for?

Obviously to eat.

The lining of the mouth is an example of what membrane?

is the mucous

What respiration in frogs do humans not use?

frogs use their skin for their respiration (since it is filled with capillaries). For most amphibians, 90% of their respiration is done through their skin. Frogs can also breath through the lining in their mouth which also contains capillaries, so a large amount of gas exchange can take place there. Frogs are able to breath through a pair of lungs as well, though this is used as more of a back up.

What is the opening in the mouth or airway of a frog called?

frogs mouth part can be named as SNOUT.