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An electrical generator is a mechanical device that functions to convert mechanical energy to electricity basically by electromagnetic induction to be used in production, manufacturing, oil and gas industry and etc.

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15y ago

Electrical generators usually are used to generate electricity.

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Q: What is the purpose of an electrical generator?
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What is the purpose of a function generator?

A function generator creates electrical waveforms. The purpose is for developing and testing electric equipment.

What is the purpose of a generator in a power plant?

To convert the mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy

What has a generator?

A Generator is electrical machine which produces electrical current and voltage..

Electrical generator transfroms electrical energy into other energy?

An electrical generator generates electrical energy. It takes some kind of mechanical energy to turn the generator. The generator is said to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

How does a generator transform electrical energy?

A generator changes mechanical energy into electrical energy.

What is the purpose for generator synchronising?

The purpose for generator synchronizing is to match the speed and frequency.

A generator can transforms into?

A generator can transform energy into electrical energy :)

What is a DC generator the same as?

A DC generator, or "dynamo", is very similar to a DC electric motor but cannot be described as "exactly the same as a motor" because a DC generator's designed purpose is not to "use" electricity (which a DC motor does) but to "make", or "produce", electricity.

What is the relationship between kenetic energy and electrical energy and generator?

Generator uses kinetic energy and produces electrical energy. Hence, energy is transformed in generator.

What does a generator convert?

A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

A generator transforms?

A generator transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.

What are similarities and dissimilarities between a motor and an electric generator?

An electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. While an electrical generator does the opposite.