

What is the purposes of meiosis?

Updated: 4/7/2022
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8y ago

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The purpose of meiosis is to create gametes by increasing the number of chromosomes. It does this by function of reducing the normal diploid cells (2 copies of each chromosome per cell) to haploid cells, called gametes (1 copy of each chromosome per cell). In humans, these special haploid cells resulting from meiosis are eggs (female) or sperm (male).

Purpose of meiosis:

  • sexual reproduction
  • genetic variation (adaptability)
  • chromosome update and repair

Meiosis is cell division. It is when the diploid cell divides to create gametes. There is an independent assortment of chromosomes in meiosis, through that each daughter cell gets maternally or paternally derived homolog.

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Laurie Hammes

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2y ago
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Meiosis is the process of reproduction of reproductive/sex cells.

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What are the divisions of meiosis called?

Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2

How many divisions occur in meiosis?

Meiosis does in fact divide twice, once in meiosis I (cytokinesis) and meiosis II (cytokinesis) basically it divides into four daughter cells at the end of meiosis. Two from meiosis I and four in meiosis II

Is a type of cell division that produce gametes?

That is meiosis.

What are 2 distinctive divisions of meiosis?

Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2

What are the names of the two different types of meiosis?

Meiosis I and Meiosis II.