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yes. there is a chemical reaction between sodium bicarbonate and lime. lime contains ascorbic acid (vitamin c) and sodium bicarbonate is an alkali therefore when they are combined neutralization takes place. isn't neutralization a chemical reaction?

OOPS - you are confusing lime the fruit with lime (CaO). You are also confusing ascorbic acid (very weak) with citric acid, the dominant acid in the fruit. As for the reaction between oxide ion and bicarbonate, likely the result is hydroxide ion and carbonate ion. Bicarbonate is weakly amphiprotic.

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15y ago

the reaction is an acid-base reaction between citric (acid) and the bicarbonate (base), releasing carbon dioxide. which causes the fizzing. Sodium Bicarbonate + Citric Acid --> Water + Carbon Dioxide + Sodium Citrate

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Yes, they would. The two substances create a temperature reaction, causing the temperature to drop.

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Q: Would baking soda and lime juice make a chemical reaction?
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Would baking soda and lemon juice create a chemical reaction?


Why does baking soda react to lime juice to make air bubbles?

Baking soda is a base & lime juice is an acid -- therefore they create a chemical reaction.

How do you make a baking soda rocket?

By adding any other chemical that will cause a reaction such as, Baking soda or lemon juice

Does baking soda and lemon juice create a chemical reaction?

Yes it does. An acid (lemon juice) plus a base (baking soda) becomes salt plus water. So lemon juice and baking soda fizzes and bubbles then becomes salty water.

What chemical reaction is juice?

Juice is not a reaction; it is a liquid mixture.

If you combine lemon juice and baking soda would it make a bigger chemical reaction than vinegar and baking soda diet coke and mentos?

Well, lemon juice and baking soda do have an acid and base reaction. Lemon juice is citric acid, whereas vinegar does not come from a fruit so it is not, They do both make a reaction but lemon juice and baking soda does make a bigger reaction. It all depends on the PH levels of the lemon juice and/or vinegar. For the mentos it depends on what type of mentos you are using. Like for example, in Japan, they have green tea flavored mentos, which does not make a big reaction. If you're just using regular old school mentos then the reaction is very big! I hope I gave you some information about chemistry.

Reaction of baking soda and lemon juice?

== == Washing Soda+lemon juice=co2+other products == == A chemical reaction has taken place between the reactants, washing soda and lemon juice. Carbon dioxide is one of the products. the chemical change cannot be reversed. So it is a irreversible change.

What happens when lemon juice is mixed with baking powder?

when banking soda is mixed with lemon juice , bubbles are formed with a hissing sound and carbon dioxide is form (citrus acid) + (sodium hydrogencarbonate) = carbon dioxide + other substances

What is the chemical reaction of marble and lemon juice?

there is no chemicle reaction

Can a balloon blow up using lemon juice and baking soda?

Yes it can, the chemical reaction creates co2 which will go in the balloon therefore it will blow up.

What is the chemical reaction between vinegar and bicarbonate of soda called?

Lemon juice and baking soda will react endothermically to produce water, carbon dioxide, and the soluble salt sodium citrate. The chemical equation for this reaction is: HC6H5O7+NaHCO3-->CO2+H2O+NaC6H5O7.

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