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The recommended calorie intake for diet meal plans between 650 and 700 calories per meal for a woman, and between 800 and 850 calories per meal for a man.

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Q: What is the recommended calorie intake for diet meal plans?
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What are the daily carbohydrate reccomendations?

based on a 2000 calorie diet, the recommended carb intake is 300g

What can you eat in hcg?

The HCG Calorie Counter lists the foods that can be eaten in the diet's recommended 500 calorie-a-day food intake.

Where can I find a diet plan that will work for me?

There are many diet plans out there, but the tried and true method is lowering your calorie intake and adding exercise to your routine. You should try to eliminate your intake of high calorie, high fat food items and increase your intake of low calorie, high fiber food items.

What are the recommended daily allowances based on a 1500 calorie diet?

What are the recommended daily allowances based on a 1500 calorie diet

What are some low calorie diet plans i could try?

There are many low calorie diet plans you can try to lose excess weight. The Low Calorie Diet plan and The Model Diet Plan are just two that you to try.

How much calcium is needed on a 2000 calorie diet?

The recommended daily intake is 1 g calcium; for details see the link below.

What is involved in a 1200 Calorie diet plan?

The 1200 calorie diet restricts your daily caloric intake to 1200 calories versus the 2000 recommended for the average person. The diet follows the simple formula that if you use more calories than you take in, you will lose weight as your body burns fat for fuel. However, this diet may be difficult to stick to unless you plan your meals carefully in order to prevent hunger from ruining your diet plans.

How do I make myself fast weight loss plans?

Fast weight loss plans include the Atkins diet and the South Beach Diet. Basically you just need to lower your calorie intake, and get lost of exercise, drink water.

Is there such a thing as a low calorie diet plan for women?

There are tons of diet plans available and yes, there are low calorie diet plans for women also. Some can be found at: or

Are there any websites that can help me find calorie diet plan?

To my knowledge there is no specific diet plan named the "calorie diet plan." Most diet plans do monitor one's calorie intake though.

What are some free diet plans that will work for me?

There is a seven day diet meal plan with various calorie plans from 1400 calories to 2000 calories per day. There are also low calorie diet meal plans available from Weight Watchers and Medifast.

What is the carb intake for a day on a diabetic diet?

The carbohydrate intake for one day on a diabetic diet is usually low since most people with diabetes is overweight. So a calorie range of 1,500 to 1,800 calorie diet per day can be the daily carb intake.