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The fact that they consistently sort independently indicates that they are far apart on the chromosome.

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down syndrom

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They are in the same linkage group

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Chrones Disease.. I think :)

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Q: What is the result of two genes located on the same chromosome but they are far apart?
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The father apart two genes are located on a chromosome?

The farthest apart two genes are located on a chromosome the less likely they are to be inherited together. If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently the genes are probably located close to each other.

The farther apart two genes are located on a chromosome the?

The further apart two genes are on a chromosome, the less likely they are to be separated by a recombination (crossing-over) event.

Where in the chromosome are genes located?


What is the difference between a linked and unlinked gene?

Linked genes are closely located on the chromosome while unlinked genes not closely located. Linked genes travel together as a result of their closeness while unlinked genes move randomly.

What is it called when genes are located on the same chromosome?

Genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked.

Two genes are almost always found in the same gamete?

Two genes that are almost always found in the same gamete are probably located near each other on the same chromosome. Crossing over is more likely to occur with genes that are farther apart on the same chromosome.

What are located on chromosomes?

Genes are located within every chromosome.

Which law applies only for genes located on different pairs of chromosomes or far apart on the same chromosome pair?

The law of independent assortment.

The law of independent assortment applies only to genes that are?

The law of independent assortment applies only to genes that are located on different chromosomes or are far apart on the same chromosome. Allele are alternative forms of a gene.

What is a sex-linked genes?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

Two genes for two different traits located on the same chromosome are said to be?

linked genes

What are genes called that are located on sex chromosomes?

genes located on sex chromosomes are called sex-linked genes. In humans, there are two types of sex chromosomes: X and Y chromosomes.Genes located on the X chromosome are called X-linked and genes located on the Y chromosome are called Y-linked chromosomes.