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Q: What is the rhythmic wavelike motion produced by smooth muscles in tubular visceral organs?
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What muscle internal organs contain?

the muscles are smooth muscles!

Is visceral involuntary or involuntary?

They are involuntary muscles.

What is the medical term meaning Muscles located within an organ?

Visceral muscles

What is visceral muscle?

It's the muscles that compose organs.

What is the term for Wavelike contraction of smooth muscles that move material through the digestive system?


What is a wavelike motion that pushes food downward?

the muscles in your esophagus push your food down into your small intestines

What types of muscles are found in the body?

There are three types of muscles found in the human body. The muscles found in the body are the visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.

Three kinds if muscles tissue are?

Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth (visceral).

What is the visceral muscle known as?

Muscles are made up of "excitable cells" which can contract. Visceral muscle is smooth muscle--one of three types of muscles in the body. Visceral muscle is found in the body in places like the arteries, bladder, the digestive tract and many other muscles which need to contract in order to perform their job.

Whats the muscular system of an ant?

Insect muscles are divided into four categories: visceral, segmental, appendicular, and flight. Visceral muscles are associated with the digestive system, segmental muscles are used to assist in molting, maintain body pressure by increasing it, and in larvae, move. Appendicular muscles move any appendages, often as a single unit. Flight muscles are specialized and capable of rapid contractions.

What nerve innervates the visceral muscles of the stomach causing contraction and hence motility?

The Vagus Nerve.

What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?

Peristalsis - the wavelike motion of the intestinal wall smooth muscles that push the food forward.