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The rings around Saturn are made up of many things, like chunks of ice, rock, and other space debris that have gotten caught in its orbit.

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Ice an dust.

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Q: What is the ring around Saturn made out of?
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Which planets have the ring around them?

There are four planets in our solar system that have ring systems. The most obvious, and dramatic, example is Saturn with it's many complex rings and ring divisions. Jupiter also has a fairly faint ring system, first discovered in 1979. The rings of Uranus are quite well defined, and were the second system of planetary rings discovered in our solar system. Finally, Neptune has a very tenuous set of rings that are mainly small, dark particles of dust.

Create a venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between Saturn and Jupiter?

There are a few similarities between Saturn and Jupiter. For instance, they both have rings around them. The rings are made up of ice and rock. Another similarity is that they are both gas planets.

Which outer planet is made of mostly ice instead of gas?

Neptune and Uranus (tee-hee) are the only two ice giants in our solar system.

What Multi-colour ringed planet?

Uranus has multicolored rings around it. You can find this answer elsewhere , in places such as an encyclopedia , or a science textbook. Uranus' rings are up and down unlike the other planets. Saturn also has rings that are very visiable , but do not have as much color as Uranus. Thank you for asking this question.Uranus , The Planet

What is the maximum and minimum temperature of Saturn?

The upper layer of Saturn's atmospheres can reach as low as -250° C. Th lower deck of ammonium hydro-sulfate clouds may be as warm as -70° C. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is made up of water clouds with a mean temperatures of 0o C At Saturn's core temperatures can reach as high as 11,700° C.

Related questions

What is around Saturn?

Around Saturn there is a layer of rock and ice and this forms a ring, so a ring is what is around Saturn=D

What are Saturn 's rings made of?

Saturns ring are rocks and meteors spinning around Saturn

How does the ring stay around Saturn if Saturn moves?

The particles that make up the ring are in orbit around Saturn.

What makes the ring around Saturn?

Asteroids in orbit around Saturn

Why is Saturn have its ring?

its atmospheric dust that orbits around saturn

What is unique about Saturn?

the ring around it

Does Saturn have a ring around it?

Yes it does

Is Saturn made of rocks?

Saturn is a gas giant, but the ring has rocks in it.

Does Saturn as a ring around it?

Saturn has more than one ring around it, it has four main groups of rings. I'm a sixth grader.

Does the ring around Saturn spin?


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Which are the two brightest rings around Saturn?

The two brightest rings around Saturn are the A and B rings. The B ring is located inside of the A ring.