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Apollo 11 used the Saturn V rocket. It was used on Apollo 4, 6, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13 ,14 ,15, 16, 17, and for Skylab 1.

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Q: What is the rocket ship used in Apollo 11?
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What is the name of Neil Armstrong's rocket ship?

Apollo 11

What space ship did Neil Armstrong use?

The Saturn V rocket carrying Apollo 11 was the ship that took him to the moon in 1969.

What was the name of the rocketer that took Apollo 11?

The rocket that was used for Apollo 11 was the Saturn five rocket.

What kind of rocket launched Apollo 11 into space?

The type of rocket that launced Apollo 11 into space is the same type of rocket that was used for all Apollo launchings. The Saturn V (five) multistage rocket was used.

What was Neil Armstrong's rocket called for moon landing?

name of Neil Armstrongs rocket used for moon landing

Is the Saturn V the same as the Apollo 11?

The Saturn V is the name of the rocket used during the Apollo Program. Apollo 11 was a mission that used this rocket. The rocket was invented by German engineer Whener Von Braun.

What was the Apollo 11 rocket made of?

The Apollo 11 rocket was made of poo

What rocket launched Apollo 11 into space?

The Saturn V (pronounced "Saturn Five") multistage rocket was used for all Apollo launches.

What was the name of the rocket used to launch Apollo 11?

Every Apollo lunar mission, including the first landing (Apollo 11), was launched on the Saturn V rocket. Apollo 11 was launched by the sixth Saturn V rocket, designated AS-506. The Saturn V also launched the earth-orbital test mission Apollo 9 in early 1969.

How many stages did the Apollo 11 rocket have?

Apollo 11 had three stages.

What rocket did neil Armstrong go on to the moon?

All Apollo missions to the moon were launched by Saturn 5 rockets. However, the last portion of the rocket was jettisoned shortly after trans-lunar insertion, so the majority of the rip was made using the Apollo Spacecraft, which had rockets but was not itself a rocket.

What is name of rocket?

Apollo 11