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They use the nitrogen in the food they eat to form their bodies, particularly proteins. They throw out excess nitrogen with the help of excretion, and their bodies are decomposed after death into various forms of nitrogen, too.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Animals are involved in the nitrogen cycle because they eat, use the bathroom, the waste brakes down and the plants absorb the nutrients. Then, the plants grow bigger and the animals eat the plant.

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13y ago

When an animal eats nitrogen contained in a plant, the nitrogen circulates in their body to make new cells. When the animal dies, the nitrogen is still in the body until decomposers take action. The bacteria decomposes the body, releasing the nitrogen back into the atmosphere where it can be fixed by lightning, become a gas, become a solid again and live inside a plant, or dissolve in water.

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12y ago

Animals and Plants get nitrogen form the nitrogen from the assimilation of nitrate gas. Animals get the nitrogen gas from plants from the assimilation of the organic carbon. hope this helps :)

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14y ago

An animal's role is to eat plants, and when it dies, it lets off gases into the atmosphere to continue the cycle. They also produce oxygen.

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13y ago

returning nitrogen to the ground through wastes and death/decay

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13y ago

the role of endoplasmic system

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released carbon from the ground.

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it doesn't

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Q: How do animals and plants get nitrogen from the nitrogen cycle?
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How do plants and animals get nitrogen is not from the atmosphere?

In rainforests where there is loads of leeching, plants get their nitrogen from other dead plants, where a nitrogen cycle is established

How the nitrogen cycle help the man and animals?

nitrogen cycle helps man in the balancing of relation between animals and plants and food chain

Who runs the nitrogen cycle?

Plants, Animals, fungi and bacteria.

What organisms are related to the nitrogen cycle?

All animals and plants. The air is 78% nitrogen.

How do plants and animals differ in the ways they obtain nitrogen?

Plants get it from bacteria which live associated with their roots who take atmospheric nitrogen and fixate it (nitrogen cycle). Animals can only get it by ingesting organic compounds which contain nitrogen, such as plants and other animals which have eaten plants.

How will the removal of leguminous plants affect the nitrogen cycle?

it affects the nitrogen cycle as the leguminous plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots and these nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to collect nitrogen which is transferred to animals when these leguminous plants have been eaten.

How are carbon and nitrogen recycled in nature?

While carbon cycle is maintained mainly by plants and animals, nitrogen cycle is maintained mainly by nitrifying bacteria and plants.

The way nitrogen moves between the air soil plants and animals is called the?

nitrogen cycle

How do plants transfer nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle?

Plants transfer nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle through assimilation.

Describe the path of nitrogen through its biogeochemical cycle?

Nitrogen gas in the soil is used by plants, which are eaten by animals. The waste products of the animals contain the nitrogen. It is broken down by bacteria, which releases nitrogen gas into the atmosphere, and the cycle repeats.

Describe the nitrogen cycle and explain why it is important for the survival?

The nitrogen cycle is how nitrogen moves between plants, animals, bacteria, the atmosphere, and the soil. In each phase, it is in a different form.

How do animals like the deer pictured contribute to the nitrogen cycle?

Animals such as deer eat plants that contain nitrogen. The nitrogen helps the animals build and repair cells. When that animal dies, the nitrogen is released back into the atmosphere.