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Language is a medium of social interact specific to each culture passed down as legacy from one generation to the other to give identity and pride with a sense of belonging to a community or even a nation that maintains distinct culture.

In a multicultural society the dominant language in the majority group becomes the social interact with the minority cultural groups who however maintain their own language to interact with their own community.

For alien language to be accepted in any culture the process of defamiliarization plays an important role in rejecting or accepting a language.

Language does not develop in a vacuum. We are all members of a social group and members of `society´ as a whole. People interact in many ways and communication is just about the most common and among the most important. Whatever is meaningful to a group, from their everyday life to their traditions constitutes their very own culture and is generally respected by all group members. Language is only one of such items. For ethnic minority groups that may have a language of their own, their language is a cornerstone in their culture.

Anthropology is the science that deals with `culture´ as a whole. Linguistics deals with aspects of language and Sociolinguistics studies the way that language is used in society.

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Q: What is the role of language in culture?
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What are the role of language in culture?

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Culture and communication?

Culture plays a large role in communication. Speech, language, words, and accents are also considered a part of a culture.

What role does language play in culture?

Language plays many roles in culture. At its core it can create linguistic and national identity, through the notion of a mother tongue.

How important is the role of language in a culture?

There are countless aspects to any culture, but language is probably the single most important one. In general, our language comes closest to demonstrating "who we are". Most other aspects of culture are examples of "what we do". a community can not prosper until or unless it has a proper language to communicate with people

Does language preserve culture?

Yes, language plays a crucial role in preserving culture. Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a carrier of cultural knowledge, values, traditions, and customs. It reflects the specific way of life, beliefs, and unique identity of a particular culture, helping to pass on these elements to future generations. When a language is lost, an essential part of a culture can also fade away.

Are language and culture the same thing?

Language and culture are closely connected, but they are not the same thing. Language is a system of communication, while culture encompasses a broader range of beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors shared by a particular group. While language plays a significant role in transmitting and shaping culture, culture goes beyond language to include other aspects such as traditions, art, cuisine, and social norms.

What is culture in language?

language and culture are intertwine..culture grows through language..

How does language influence culture?

well knowing a language could mean it influences the culture because if you speak the language it seems like you would know the culture

Why language and culture can not be separated?

You cannot put a language in with a culture it is not from people will not understand you. A language comes from the culture which it is derived from.

What does a language's vocabulary tell about the culture?

What does a language's vocabulary tell about its culture?

Why is a language necessary in a culture?

For communication. Language a the way culture is communicated.

How do culture affect language?

Culture affects language because where ever it is your from you have your language, then when you learn a new language, depending on your culture you might be violating some kind of rule.