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Usually, they provide a near-base for the food chain, since they use energy from the sun to perform photosynthesis, which is then passed on to herbivores, and so on and so forth. Also, when they rot and or die, they provide some fertilizer for the soil, enriching it. Plants are producers, they take the energy emitted from the sun and turn it into simple sugars, which is then turned into ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, energy usable by the plant and animals) through cellular respiration, other animals then eat them and receive ten percent of the energy contained in the plant, also known as the ten percent rule. they also provide shelter for birds and many other micro-organisms,they contribute to an increase in the total amount of rainfall in the atmosphere through transpiration

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8y ago
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14y ago

without plants we cant breath and we could die because plants make food we can eat and oxygen we could breath for our survival

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12y ago

They take the carbon dioxide in the air, and give off oxygen for us to breathe. They also supply organisms and animals their food and nutrients.

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12y ago

A plant gives off oxygen and feeds other animals.

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Q: What role does a plant play in the ecosystem?
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Rephrase the question. :)